30 Days of Handmade Gifts - Day 28

Welcome to Day 28 of The Scrapoholic's 30 Days of Handmade Gifts.  I woke up yesterday morning panicked that my day to post was yesterday!  Needless to say, I was very relieved when I saw it was actually Jann's day. 

I managed to get a few gifts bought without venturing out into the madness of Black Friday.  How do you feel about Black Friday shopping?  Myself, I prefer to avoid the crowds.

Anyway, on to my project for today.  I started with this:

A plain wood step stool, sponge brush (I used 2), Liquitex Burnt Umber acrylic paint, Triple Thick, a piece of patterned scrapbooking paper, and not pictured is one piece of brown cardstock.

I didn't take photos of all of the steps.  Paint the step stool with your chosen color of paint.  Let it dry thoroughly.  Cut the patterned scrapbook paper to size to fit the top of the step stool.  I used the Triple Thick to stick it down.  Let it dry thoroughly (this will help keep your paper from bubbling up).  Next figure out what lettering you need for it (Time Out, child's name, etc.).  I used my Cricut and Make The Cut to cut 2 inch letters in Oklahoma font to say "Time Out".  Using a ruler to keep them straight, place the letters and glue them down.  Let the glue dry (I know, lots of drying time). 

The top isn't dry yet in this picture.  I still need to add something, but not sure what.  This is supposed to be a hunting theme.  I tried taking a picture of a shotgun shell my husband let me borrow, but I didn't like the results.  If anyone has any ideas to finish it off, I'm all ears! 

I'm working on two more of these, one will be very girly, and the other a dinosaur theme. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!  Thanks for stopping by and looking at my project.


  1. This is so cute. I've been thinking about making a time out stool for my niece for her kids. Love the theme you went with. What about some trees, a bear and/or a deer along the bottom in a silhouette?


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